Millennium Realty
Donna Coakley-Mcgowan, Millennium RealtyPhone: (774) 287-2060

Donna Coakley-Mcgowan

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About Donna Coakley-Mcgowan

Donna Coakley-Mcgowan

Licensed since 1983 Donna is a well known and well respected veteran of the local real estate market. Donna has made her mark as both a manager of a brokerage firm and as an agent. Ms. Coakley McGowan has participated in extensive training in residential real estate and specializes in both Buyer and Seller Agency.   

"I am extremely pleased to welcome an Associate of Donna’s caliber and expertise” said Judy Leonelli, Owner. "I have known Donna for many years and have admired her professionalism and talent for the pragmatic resolution to the difficulties that can arise during a transaction. When Donna is involved you know there will be a successful outcome.”  

Ms. Coakley McGowan has lived in Upton since 1995 and knows the area and all of its attributes. She currently serves the Town of Upton and the Regional School District as Chairperson of the School Committee.  She and her husband Mark and their two children reside in Upton.

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